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2022-04-24 行业标准 加入收藏


  数据压缩 - 减少保存数字文件所需的存储量以减少文件所需的磁盘空间并允许更快地处理或传输它的技术。也称为文件压缩或压缩。

  Data Compression - Technique of reducing the amount of storage required to hold a digital file to reduce the disk space the file requires and allow it to be processed or transmitted more quickly. Also known as file compression or zipping.

  Deboss - 将图像压入纸中,使其位于表面下方。也称为工具。

  Deboss - To press an image into paper so it lies below the surface. Also called tool.

  密度计 - 用于测量密度的仪器。反射密度计测量从纸张和其他表面反射的光;透射密度计测量透过薄膜和其他材料的光。

  Densitometer - Instrument used to measure density. Reflection densitometers measure light reflected from paper and other surfaces; transmission densitometers measure light transmitted through film and other materials.

  密度 - 关于油墨,一层印刷油墨的相对厚度。 (2) 关于颜色,一种颜色吸收从其反射的光或阻挡通过它的光的相对能力。 (3)关于纸张,纤维的相对松紧度。

  Density - Regarding ink, the relative thickness of a layer of printed ink. (2) Regarding color, the relative ability of a color to absorb light reflected from it or block light passing through it. (3) Regarding paper, the relative tightness or looseness of fibers.

  密度范围 - 副本最暗和最亮区域之间的差异。也称为对比度、复制范围和色调范围。

  Density Range - Difference between the darkest and lightest areas of copy. Also called contrast ratio, copy range and tonal range.

  模具 - 用于切割、刻痕、冲压、压花和去凹凸的设备。

  Die - Device for cutting, scoring, stamping, embossing and De-bossing.

  模切 - 使用模具在纸或纸板上切割不规则形状。

  Die Cut - To cut irregular shapes in paper or paperboard using a die.

  模切 - 使用由安装在木头上的锋利金属边缘规则制成的“模具”从一张纸上切割出自定义形状。

  Die-cutting - cutting custom shapes out of a piece of paper using a "die" made with sharp metal-edged rules that have been mounted onto wood.

  数字校样——通过电子存储器产生的页面校样通过激光或喷墨转移到纸上,或作为数字校样(如 PDF)提供以供审查。

  Digital Proofing - Page proofs produced through electronic memory transferred onto paper via laser or ink-jet or provided as a digital proof (such as PDF) for review.

  直接数字彩色打样 - 由激光、喷墨打印机或其他计算机控制设备制作的彩色打样,无需先制作分色膜。

  Direct Digital Color Proof - Color proof made by a laser, ink jet printer or other computer-controlled device without needing to make separation films first.

  直接制版 - 使用从计算机发送到直接制版设备的数据创建的数字印版,无需传统胶卷。

  Direct-to-Plate - digital printing plates created using data sent from a computer to a direct-to-plate device making traditional film unnecessary.

  狗耳朵 - 在其中一个折痕的一侧出现字母折叠,出现压痕。

  Dog Ear - A letter fold at the side of one of the creases, an indentation occurs.

  网点扩大 - 油墨点在印刷过程中被吸收到纸张中,并在转移时稍微散开。网点扩大会导致图像看起来不那么清晰,并且还会使图像变暗。纸张类型(涂层或未涂层)、油墨和印刷机类型会影响网点扩大量。

  Dot Gain - dots of ink are absorbed into the paper in the printing process, spreading out somewhat as it transfers. Dot gain causes an image to look less crisp and can also darken an image. Paper types (coated or uncoated), inks and press type effect the amount of dot gain.

  每英寸点数 - 测量输入设备(如扫描仪)、显示设备(如显示器)和输出设备(如激光打印机、照排机和显示器)的分辨率。缩写 DPI。也称为点间距。

  Dots-per-inch - Measure of resolution of input devices such as scanners, display devices such as monitors, and output devices such as laser printers, imagesetters and monitors. Abbreviated DPI. Also called dot pitch.

  双凹凸 - 将单个图像打印两次,使其具有两层墨水。

  Double Bump - To print a single image twice so it has two layers of ink.

  双重刻录 - 将胶片或印版两次曝光到不同的底片上,从而创建合成图像。

  Double Burn - To expose film or a plate twice to different negatives and thus create a composite image.

  DPI - 被认为是“每英寸点数”,衡量与打印机、照排机和显示器相关的输出分辨率。

  DPI - Considered as “dots per inch,” a measure of output resolution in relationship to printers, imagesetters and monitors.

  干背 - 印刷油墨颜色随着油墨干燥而变得不那么稠密的现象。

  Dry Back - Phenomenon of printed ink colors becoming less dense as the ink dries.

  干胶印 - 在印刷过程中使用金属板,无需使用水即可转移到纸张上。

  Dry Offset - Using metal plates in the printing process and transferring to paper without the use of water.

  干墨 - 与湿墨相比,在干墨上打印。

  Dry Trap - To print over dry ink, as compared to wet trap.

  两用铜版纸 - 适用于平版印刷(胶印)或静电印刷(影印)印刷的铜版纸。缩写 DP 证券纸。

  Dual-purpose Bond Paper - Bond paper suitable for printing by either lithography (offset) or xerography (photocopy). Abbreviated DP bond paper.

  无光泽纸 - 涂层纸上的平整(非光泽)表面,比哑光略光滑。 无光泽涂层纸的光泽介于哑光纸和光面纸之间。

  Dull Paper - Flat (not glossy) finish on coated paper which is slightly smoother than matte. The sheen of a dull coated paper falls between matte and glossy paper.

  双色调 - 使用两种不同墨水颜色创建的同一图像的双色照片或插图(半色调)。 使用两张半色调底片复制双色调单色照片,每张照片都强调原件中不同的色调值。

  Duotone - a two color photo or illustration (halftone) of the same image created with two different ink colors. A duotone one color photograph is reproduced using two halftone negatives, each shot to emphasize different tonal values in the original.

  双面纸 - 通过将高光粘贴在一起制成的厚纸,通常是不同颜色的薄纸。 也称为双面纸和双色调纸。

  Duplex Paper - Thick paper made by pasting highlights together two thinner sheets, usually of different colors. Also called double-faced paper and two-tone paper.

  复印机 - 一种小型胶印机,用于快速印刷或裁切纸张尺寸。

  Duplicator - a small offset press made for quick printing or cut sheet sizes.


